
Yearbook for Global Ethics, Compliance and Integrity



If you are interested in submitting a paper to the 2022 Edition, please write me an email with your name, institution, position and suggested topic. We accept papers between 7-20 pages. The submitting deadline is end of October 2021.


In 2018 the first edition of the Yearbook of Global Ethics, Compliance and Integrity focusing on “Cross Cultural Compliance” was published as the result of a number of projects, various discussions, conferences, workshops and international congresses on Ethics, Compliance and Integrity. At these events, industry representatives (usually chief compliance officers) repeatedly complained about the considerable challenges they faced when attempting to implement internationally uniform and reliable compliance management systems (CMS) within a global organization or group structure. Certainly, methods and standards on how to determine and manage risks in individual countries do exist. However, social and cultural borders or foreign culture and values may make it difficult to ensure not only compliance but also the integrity of all members of an organization / cor-
poration. To give the practitioners from all over the world a deep and complex overwiev in only one publication we desiced to publish this work every year covering by that all recent, actuall and current developments, challenges and stretegies in Ethics, Compliance and Integrity!

In 2021 the second edition of the book followed.


Yet why is all this necessary? What does compliance have to do with values, ethics, culture and integrity? There is only one answer: everything! Human beings are at the center of any CMS along with their culture and underlying values. Human culture and values are formed by experiences, education, environment, religion and many other factors: these same values and culture determine whether a bribe has been accepted, environmental standards breached, interest rates manipulated or customers deceived. In all cases of non-compliance, values and the human culture therefore play a crucial role. In addition, human conduct
and the values directing it are the subject of ethics, a branch of philosophy. A CMS cannot function effectively without a sound understanding of ethics and thereby the values and culture that prevail in the area where it operates. Is it not enough then for people to internalise the culture and underlying values? No! They must also ensure that their outward acts consistently accord with these values. It is at this point that integrity comes into play. Compliance and integrity may therefore be regarded as two sides of the same coin, whereas ethics represents a specialist discipline within these two areas. This explains the first of the
two approaches in this work “Ethics, Compliance and Integrity”. The boundaries between these three terms are porous and complement each other.


The approach of this publication deals with challenges where the boundaries are somewhat clearer. Nowadays, when national economies are so closely interwoven, it would be wrong to adopt a single approach to Ethics, Compliance and Integrity; rather
developments should be viewed from a global perspective. Once a CMS has been implemented in one part of the organization or extended to a part located in a different culture, one must consider the differing ethical and moral rules, the culture and the values of its inhabitants. Otherwise, the system will be rejected and produce nothing more than undesirable side-effects, thereby resulting in attempts at evasion

We have therefore adopted in this book a rounded and self-contained concept which nevertheless retains a degree of flexibility. We will expand and update the work at regular intervals. We herewith invite interested authors and experts from the world of Ethics, Compliance and Integrity to submit their proposals for contributions. We will also ensure that similar works feature high-quality contributions in order to promote the development of Ethics, Compliance and Integrity in the long term.

| CONTENT 2021

The Yearbook 2021 for Global Ethics, Compliance & Integrity offers an uptodate overview of the recent and most significant developments in the interdisciplinary area of organizational Ethics, Compliance & Integrity Management. The 2021 Yearbook focuses on (but is not limited to) integrity and ethics and consists of 40 highly valuable articles submitted by 55 experts. The authors include excellent ethics, compliance and integrity professionals, scholars and advisors from 20 different countries.

As conceived, the publication offers exclusive insights both from practical and theoretical perspectives. This year’s edition consists of seven carefully arranged chapters dealing with governance and compliance management, integrity management, organizational ethics and culture, anti-bribery management, whistleblowing, the challenges of digitalization, and – last but not least – corporate incentives and sanctions. In each chapter, the yearbook provides a comprehensive range of views and expertise regarding Ethics, Compliance and Integrity in all kind of organizations.

List of authors and topics: Link

| CONTENT 2018

Starting with this introduction (Chapter A), several contributions deal with the future of compliance (Chapter B). The main part of the book (Chapter C) inves tigates challenges in the fields of compliance and integrity which arise in respect of the cross-border implementation of CMS. We then focus on the most common risks for global compliance in the field of corruption (Chapter D). Despite sophisticated anti- corruption systems, the preventive instruments of international organizations and the efforts made by the international community in this field, corruption still remains a wide-ranging phenomenon in many states.
CMS standards (Chapter E), attempt to take account of cross-border differences and diverse cultures, on the one hand, and the efforts towards creating uniform solutions on the other. The last three chapters deal with more practical subjects: namely, the preferred methods of CMS (Chapter F), especially intercultural communication and whistle-blowing systems, which are heavily influenced by cultural aspects (Chapter G). The final chapter concerns Ethics, Compliance and Integrity in international trade (Chapter H).


  • Arboleda Lino GE Global Operations, Singapore
  • Bachatene Leas ethiXbase, Singapore
  • Badoz Pierre-Antoine Orange S.A., Paris, France
  • Beth Elodie United Nations Development Programme, New York, United States of America
  • Bings Sophie Luise, Dr. Deloitte Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Dsseldorf, Germany
  • Bonucci Nicola Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
  • Brennan Philip Raiseaconcern Ltd., Straffan, Ireland
  • Brown Tom Kaizen Compliance Solutions, London, United Kingdom.
  • Bühr Daniel Lucien, Dr. Ethics and Compliance Switzerland, Bern, Switzerland
  • Chen Henry The Compliance Reviews, Partner at Dentons, Beijing, China
  • Conesa-Pietscheck Alex United Nations Development Programme, New York, United States of America
  • Czyzowicz Wiesław, Prof. Dr. hab., Warsaw School of Economics,Warsaw, Poland.
  • Delrue Geert Detective Commissioner, Brussel, Belgium.
  • Diagana Ousmane World Bank,Washington D.C., United States of America
  • Filipowski Oskar, Dr. KGHM Polska Miedz S.A., Lubin, Poland
  • Fissenewert Peter, Prof. Dr. Buse Heberer Fromm Rechtsanwlte Steuerberater PartG mbB, Berlin, Germany
  • Gabriel Cynthia The Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Gomoła Marcin T-Mobile Polska S.A.,Warsaw, Poland
  • Grothaus Christin Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Kayser Michael Idox Compliance, Berlin, Germany
  • Khan Shahzad Mubadala Investment Company, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Kurt Gabriel AWBRechtsanwaltsgesellschaft & AWBSteuerberatungsgesellschaft, Münster, Germany
  • Leonard Ingrid National Crime Agency, London, United Kingdom
  • Makowicz Bartosz, Prof. Dr. Viadrina Compliance Center, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
  • Markfort Rainer, Dr. DICO – Deutsches Institut fr Compliance, Partner at Dentons Europe, Berlin, Germany
  • Moosmayer Klaus, Dr. Siemens AG, Munich, Germany
  • Naqschbandi Noor Alliance for Integrity, Berlin, Germany
  • Neiger Barbara, Dr. neiger. C advisory,Wien, Austria
  • Opris¸iu Raluca-Isabela, Dr. STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit, Sibiu, Romania
  • Phua Will Thyssenkrupp, Singapore
  • Remberg Meinhard DICO – Deutsches Institut fr Compliance, SMS GmbH, Dsseldorf, Germany
  • Rho Han-Kyun, Prof. Dr. International Anti-Corruption Academy, Laxenburg, Austria/Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea
  • Rogmann Achim, Prof. Dr. iur. LLM Brunswick European Law School,Wolfenbttel,Germany and Murdoch School of Law, Perth,Western Australia
  • Sjholm Helena Direndi AB, Lund, Sweden
  • Szczepanski Marcin Siemens Sp. z o.o,Warsaw, Poland
  • Teicke Tobias, Dr. CMS Hasche Sigle Germany, Berlin, Germany
  • Thomas Thomas ASEAN CSR Network, Singapore
  • Uriarte Christine Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
  • Yakorev Anatoly Center for Business Ethics & Compliance, Moscow, Russia
  • Yambao Vincent Pepito F. Boehringer Ingelheim Singapore Pte., Ltd. as the Senior Compliance Manager for South East Asia and South Korea
  • Zamarriego Jose F. Farmaindustria, Madrid, Spain
  • Zhao Deming Partner at HaoLiWen Partners, Bejing, China
  • Zorzi Liviana United Nations Development Programme, New York, USA
  • Zwikker Nico Compliance Associates, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands